Shaddaranam Choornam - 500 gms
Availibility : In stock
Kairali has developed Shaddharanam Choornam as a dedicated Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid ailments. This herbal powder is effectively used as a laxative and relieves indigestion & flatulence. Skin diseases, ascitis, piles, gall stones and obesity are also cured through prescribed use of this Ayurvedic medicine. Diabetes control is also attempted through Shaddharanam Choornam. Bulk pack of Kairali Shaddharanam Choornam is available with fine price advantage towards B2B trading requirements of retailers and distributors. Ayurvedic practitioners requisition bulk packs for treatment and prescription purpose at their clinics.

Kairali has developed Shaddharanam Choornam as a dedicated Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, this herbal medicine is also effective in treatment of gastric ailments like flatulence, gall stones and indigestion. It is also prescribed as a herbal laxative. Skin diseases, ascitis and piles are treated with Shaddharanam Choornam while it is used in diabetes control too. Bulk pack of Kairali Shaddharanam Choornam is available with attractive price benefits towards the B2B trading requirements of retailers and distributors. Ayurvedic practitioners requisition bulk packs for treatment and prescription purpose at their clinics. Key herbs present in Kairali Shaddharanam Choornam include chitraka, patha, indrayava, katuka, ativisha and abhaya. Recommended dosage of Shaddharanam Choornam is half to one teaspoon which is to be taken with warm water or gomutra. In tablet form, 1 to 2 tablets are prescribed. Persons with sensitive gastric conditions require practitioner's prescribed dosage to avoid gastric irritation symptoms.
S.No | Sanskrit Name | Botanical name | Parts Used | Each 50g contains |
1 | Chitraka | Plumbago zeylanica | Rt. | 8.33 |
2 | Indrayava | Holorrhena antidysenterica | St.Bk | 8.33 |
3 | Paadha | Cyclea peltata | Rt. | 8.33 |
4 | Katuka | Picrorhiza kurroa | Rt. | 8.33 |
5 | Athivisha | Cyprus rotundus | Rt.Tr | 4.17 |
7 | Daruharidra | Berberis aristata | St. | 8.33 |
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