Navara Rice Powder - 1000 gms
Availibility : In stock
Kairali offers Navara Rice Powder as a specialty product towards treatment of various disorders and for general health and immunity. Navara rice, considered one of the superior rice varieties is grown mostly in Kerala and contains many benefits for general health, infants and pregnant women, skin disorders (like psoriasis & lesions) and wounds healing. Bulk pack of Kairali Navara Rice Powder is available with fine price advantage for the B2B trading requirements of retailers and distributors. Ayurvedic practitioners requisition bulk packs of Navara Rice powder for treatment and prescription purpose at the clinics. With growing awareness about the benefits of Navara rice and its powder, it has developed fine demand in open market.

Kairali has developed excellent quality Navara Rice Powder from the organically grown navara rice in Kerala. Navara Rice Powder finds use in Ayurvedic therapies and treatments of different conditions including curing of skin disorders like psoriasis and lesions. It is also beneficial for children with lean weight characteristics as it helps increase weight in them. Navara Rice is recommended for pregnant women for improving the weight and health of fetus. Ayurvedic practitioners utilize Navara rice Powder for wounds healing by cooking it with milk and special herbs. It is also used for treatment of neuro-muscular disorders like joints stiffness & for this the powder is cooked with milk and herb sida cordifolia. The powder is used both internally and as lepanam (external application). Bulk pack of Kairali Navara Rice Powder is available with fine price advantage towards B2B trading requirements of retailers and distributors. Ayurvedic practitioners also buy the bulk packs for different treatments and prescriptions. Growing awareness of Navara Rice Powder has made it a much demanded health product in open market.
Sl No | Sanskrit Name | Botanical Name | Parts Used | Qty |
1 | Navara | Oryza sativa | Kr. | 100% |
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