Guggulu Thikthakam Kashayam - 200 ml
Availibility : In stock
A unique herbal combination to treat varied range of skin diseases including chronic wounds and ulcers, scabies, pruritis etc. It also has remarkable effects on arthritic ailments like pain, swelling, inflammation.

This kashayam is a specific combination of guggulu, nimba, amritha, vrisha, patola etc. which cures chronic skin diseases like diabetes, tumors, fistula etc. The special drugs which act as blood purifiers help to fight inflammation and infections; thus helps to heal wounds, ulcers and other deep seated skin disorders. The proven anti inflammatory drug, guggulu, present in this kashayam helps to fasten the healing process. The anti bacterial and fungicidal property of nimba helps to cure the infections that delay the healing process of wounds and diabetic ulcers. It also has remarkable results in the treatment of severe rheumatism, early stages of tumor and cancer.
As directed by the Ayurvedic Physician
Composition: Each 10 ml is prepared out of | ||||
S.No. | Sanskrit Name | Botanical Name | Parts Used | Qty |
1 | Nimba | Azadirachta inaica | St Bk | 0.673 g |
2 | Amritha | Tinospora cordifolia | St | 0.673 g |
3 | Vrisha | Adhatoda zeylanica | Rt | 0.673 g |
4 | Patola | Trichosanthes dioica | Pl | 0.673 g |
5 | Nidigdhika | Solanum xanthocarpum | Pl. | 0.673 g |
6 | Pata | Cyclea peltata | Rt | 0.673 g |
7 | Vidanga | Embelia ribes | Fr | 0.673 g |
8 | Suradaru | Cedrus deodara | Ht Wd | 0.673 g |
9 | Gajopakulya | Scindapsus officinalis | Dr.Fr | 0.673 g |
10 | Nagara | Zingiber officinale | Rz | 0.673 g |
11 | Nisa | Curcuma longa | Rz. | 0.673 g |
12 | Misi | Foeniculum vulgare | Fr | 0.673 g |
13 | Chavya | Piper brachystachyum | Rt | 0.673 g |
14 | Kushta | Sausurea lappa | Rt | 0.673 g |
15 | Thejovathi | Zanthoxylum alatum | Fl | 0.673 g |
16 | Maricha | Piper nigrum | Dr.Fr | 0.673 g |
17 | Deepyaka | Trachispermum roxburghianum | Dr.Fr | 0.673 g |
18 | Vatsaka | Holarrhena antidysenterica | St | 0.673 g |
19 | Agni | Plmbago rosea | Rt. | 0.673 g |
20 | Rohini | Picrorhiza kurroa | Rt | 0.673 g |
21 | Arushkara | Semecarpus anacardium | Fr | 0.673 g |
22 | Vacha | Acorus calamus | Rz | 0.673 g |
23 | Kanamoola | Piper longum | Rt. | 0.673 g |
24 | Yuktha | Alpinia calcarata | Rt | 0.673 g |
25 | Manjishta | Rubia cordifolia | Rt. | 0.673 g |
26 | Athivisha | Aconitum heterophyllum | Rz | 0.673 g |
27 | Visha | Aconitum ferox | Rt | 0.673 g |
28 | Yavani | Carum copticum | Dr.Fr | 0.673 g |
29 | Gulgulu | Commiphora mukul | Exd | 3.365 g |
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