Kairali's oil for sprains, injury, bone fractures

Kairheal - 200 ml

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Kairali's Ayurvedic product Kairheal is one of the unique products that can be used for bone setting, sprains, joint pains and burn wounds. The ingredients use in this oil give you a long term relief in bone related pains.

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Effective for Fractures, Fracture of a bone can occur at any time to anybody, during a fall, or an accident, and at times due to osteoporosis, and bone cancer. Whatever the case, it requires immediate attention. The Ayurvedic term for fracture is Bhagna. Kairali Ayurveda offers effective treatment for rejoining bones and restoring them to their original form and strength. Kairheal Oil by Kairali has vital role in bone setting for fractures. Effective for sprains Muscle strain is painful and it can happen to anyone irrespective of age and gender. Any injury to elbows, knees, wrists, ankle leads to muscle sprains. The muscle get swelling and it causes pain. It can also happen due to inflammation of muscles. Many times, the pain in the muscles can happen due to broken bones. In this case, Kairali has the solution for this i.e. Kairheal. Once you massage the affected area with Kairheal, It gives a long term effect and improves the movement of the joints.

Warm 15ml of oil and gently massage over painful area. Retain for 30 mins and wash off with lukewarm water. Best results when applied regularly.

Composition: Each 100ml is prepared from
S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Parts Used Qty.
1 Grihakanya  Aloe vera Lf. 50 g
2 Tamboolavali Piper betle Lf. 25 g
3 Sigru  Moringa oleifera St.Bk. 50 g
4 Neeladurva  Cynodon dactylon Pl. 50 g
5 Paribhadra  Erythrina indica Lf. 25 g
6 Karanja  Pongamia pinnata St.Bk. 50 g
7 Sathavari Asparagus racemosus Rt.Tr. 2 g
8 Varavarnini  Curcuma longa Rz. 2 g
9 Narekela thaila Cocos nucifera Kr.Ol 100 ml
10 Rice bran Oryza sativa   100 ml
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